Basic characteristics of the software for hotel operations

With this software you not only get a functional tool, but most importantly is that you get a technology for operate and manage the resources of your hotel.


Individually and group registration and check-out of guests. Data entry with scanner or manually

Creating documents

Making offers, pro-invoices and invoices. Automatic creation of output documents

Booking management

Advanced reservation system with synchronized dynamic calendar


The software can be customized for any type of hotel


Statistics for the performance and success

Various reports

Operation review (turnover, reservations, deductions, etc.)


Integration with other tools, interfaces and mobile applications

Channel manager

Automatic and integrated management and booking from Internet channels in the software (Booking, Expedia, GDS, HRS and others)

Advantages of using the software

  • Faster and better service to guests
  • Increasing the efficiency of the managing with the hotel
  • Overview of the overall operation
  • External control
  • Monitoring the condition of the rooms and reservations in real time
  • -Fast registration and guest check-out
  • Contemporary and modern way of working using advanced tools
  • Easy and fast implementation and use
  • Long-term experience in working with hotel facilities
  • Excellent 24/7 technical support
  • Familiar and understandable user environment for employees
  • Proposed experience from experts and professional literature in the field of hotel management for software creation


With this software you not only get a functional tool, but most importantly you get the technology to operate and manage the resources of your hotel. Some of the key features of the hotel software are listed below, and for other features and details, further request a presentation or appointment.

Win 10 – NET

Developed in .NET – Desktop Technology. Can be installed on any type of hardware devices (Desktop, All in One, Laptop)

Software for all types of hotels

HOSPES software is intended for use in hotels from the smallest category to large resorts. Automatic updates of the data for real-time data

Lightweight and compact

The software is easy and simple to operate which makes it a perfect tool for your hotel and easily accessible by the staff who will use it. The software installation and license is on your server and you do not need to purchase multiple licenses for each computer in the hotel. This will significantly reduce the cost of licensing


HOSPES has all the necessary operations for the successful management of the hotel and in return the staff has more time to devote to their guests. You get functional software for comprehensive operation of the reception and other segments in the hotel building

High level of security

The software is secure and does not allow manipulation of the records you have at work. Care is taken to protect the personal data of guests in accordance with legal regulations and hotel regulations. Automatic data backup is done according to the rules and needs of the hotel

User access

Assigning roles to employees. This will allows to you to restrict access to certain segments of the software. Easy and secure access with a history of user activities

Booking module

(integrated with Channel Manager) Excellent overview through a dynamic hotel occupancy calendar, with all the necessary booking information. Making a reservation directly from the reception, whether it is single or group. Reservations from the booking department or those received by OTA (via online channels) are automatically synchronized in real time. Possibility to set OPTION DATA on reservations and monitor the status of the reservation

Reception  – manually

or with document scanner Easy and fast reception of guests from reservations or direct (Walk-in), using a document scanner that transmits all information from travel documents in the software. Input errors are reduced and very fast reception of a large number of guests in a short time. The reception has the possibility for additional changes and corrections. Early check out for the stay of an unannounced guest or an entire room

Hotel guests and extra services

Guest data can be supplemented or corrected, enriched with extra services, a reminder, relocation, and many other useful tools for tracking and keeping track of current guests. The models are integrated and synchronized with the restaurant business software (BARRESTO), the maid software with which the mini bar is emptied and recorded in the material action and with the software for recording from a telephone central.

Chambermaid software

Mobile Android application for chambermaids related to material operations and reception. The chambermaids receive tasks from the reception which rooms are to be tidied up, record the consumption of the mini bar in the rooms (automatic synchronization with the warehouse and room account), report errors or damage in the rooms to the technical service. There are realization reports for all the activities of the chambermaids. The errors in communication are reduced, reception – chambermaids

Logout and check out

Quick and easy check out of guests with various possibilities and useful functions. Single logout per room or guest from the room, group check-out of several rooms at once, check-out of individual guests from the group, etc. Special charge for extra services or together with check-out of the room. Cash, check, invoice or combined payment. Subscription accounts can be in Macedonian, English or both languages together. Automatic tax division and printing of fiscal at checkout account. Receptionists can not make a mistake in check out the amounts for the stay, tourist tax, extra services and taxes

Cashbox reports and turnover

After each check out, the amounts are recorded in cashbox reports. The review of the cashbox reports is possible for the current day or for an unlimited period in the past. There is no need to wait at the end of the day to update the data but each recovery is updated in real time. Review of employee reports, detailed accounts, summary report by collection types and tax rates and many other turnover reports

Various reports from departed guests

Detailed analysis of departed guests, statistics by night and number of guests, statistics of attendance by countries, extra services provided in the hotel, guests on free stay, check out with discounts, report of telephone calls from rooms, overview by types of guests, individual, group , company and many other reports

Income reports

Through revenue reports (Revenue Reports) you have a complete and detailed overview of the hotel’s operations in the past, present and future period. Revenue management is a popular concept in the hotel industry and is used to optimize the financial results of a hotel or resort by maximizing the revenue. The accepted definition is: selling the right hotel room, to the right customer, at the right time, for the right price, through the right channel, with the best cost efficiency.

Integrated functionalities

Connection with telephone central (automatic charging and room reservation). Internet Reservations (Channel Manager). Maid system, Scanner for identification cards and passport. BARRESTO billing system. Pay TV (depending on the existing one in the hotel). Invoice and debt software connection

Control in real time

Relaxed and satisfied manager with complete control over the operation of the hotel in real time. This is due to the synchronization and automation of the Android mobile application for managers

With this software you will get an integrated Channel Manager toolfor booking and managing the sale of rooms from and to OTA(Online Travel Agency) channels directly through the HOSPES software

Advantages of using the software
  • Channel manager allows you to easily manage prices and distribute the availability of rooms in your hotel
  • His function is surprisingly simple
  • Channel Manager will increase direct bookings at the hotel
  • You have no longer the need to update your calendar manually from online bookings
  • Avoid booking and duplicating hotel reservations
  • Easy and fast closing and opening of sales rooms to all channels at once
  • Protection of pricing policy with easier change and setting prices to all channels at once from the same place
  • Unites other local reservation systems from HOSPES
  • Many hotels that have adopted Channel Manager use the benefits of increased productivity and revenue

.NET Desktop App

The Channel Manager reservation distribution tool is an integrated part of the HOSPES software solution with two-way XML communication. During the managing the rooms from online bookings, all five functionalities are enabled


Reliable, fast and synchronized with other parts of the HOSPES software reservation system. Forming a local manual reservation (individual or group) from the hotel department immediately closes the occupied rooms, at once at all OTA channels

Easy to use

Easily managing with reservations (room downloads, modifications and cancellations), changing prices, open / close sales rooms, all in one place without having to access multiple online booking sites. There is ability to manage multiple channels at once or separately depending on the needs of the hotel.


The automated management of incoming bookings is very efficient and smart, reduces the risk of error of the staff and increases the rental of hotel rooms by constantly forcing empty rooms on the canals

Powerful tool for sales

CHANNEL MANAGER is the model of distribution and sale of rooms desired for use by every hotel owner. Reservations made online for your hotel, must be updated quickly, easily and without errors through all connected channels

Always accessible on OTA  sales

There is no limit to the number of OTA (Online Travel Agency). Channel Manager is in real time connected and synchronized with your selected internet channels: booking.com, Expedia, HRS, Adoda.com, TripAdvisor, GDS (Global Distribution System)…

Mobile application for managers to monitor the condition of the hotel and when you are not present in it


Developed application for Android mobile devices that are decided by market penetration and low price

Occupancy of the hotel

You have the occupancy and fullness of the rooms in your hotel and many other information in real time

Review of received guests

At any time you receive an overview of registered guests at the hotel with detailed information about the stay and amounts of extra services made at the hotel

Check in on arrival guests

You always have a record of guests that you expect to arrive and to be accommodated in the hotel with data on where the reservation is from (OTA channels, locally made or group)

Review of the occupancy

Complete records of the current condition of the hotel, occupancy of rooms by type and graphic display of the hotel occupancy. Review of the occupancy of the rooms in a certain period
Check out, control and records Check out of bills depending on the type of payment. Cashbox reports by days, cumulative in period and diagram performance review – check out
Overview of outgoing guests Always have a record of guests for checking out at a defined time or date where you can plan your check out inflows
Calendar for reservation From the application you can follow the entire calendar of hotel occupancy in a given period and by type of reservation
With this software you will get a tool for preparing pro-invoices, invoices and billing, integrated and connected to the HOSPES software

Advantages of using the software

Quick and easy formation of any type of pro-invoices

Preparing any type of invoices from the hotel that are not tied to rooms

Quickly and easily create an invoice from multiple hotel bills

Reduction of errors in preparing complex calculations for hotel stay

Cash check out invoices

Debtors’ records when closing hotel accounts from the reception

Always have a record and review of invoice status



Invoicing is a tool that is an integral part of the Hospes software solution

More dedicated

It can be used for many types of invoices related to hotel operations or other services from your company. Deferred payment invoices or cash invoices related to fiscal printer

Easy to use

Easy management and creation of invoices (preparation, corrections, supplementation). Invoices can be created with pre-defined daily services and supplemented with the necessary information according to your work


The connection of the invoicing software and the hotel operation enables the preparation of invoices with a complete and very fast automatic calculation of several selected hotel accounts merged into one invoice

Financial inventory

Overview of debts and receivables by clients and by issued documents. Detailed list and card for each issued invoice, customer cards, debtors review, closed invoice review and many other reports

Always affordable

Availability of software even when you are not present at the hotel

With this software you get an integrated tool for managing maintenance rooms, tasks for chambermaids, technical service and maintenance.

Benefits of using the software

Complete status records for each room

Maintenance and laundry staff planning

Managing room maintenance staff

Monitoring of technical problems

Mini bar records directly from the room

Timely alert for malfunctions

Reduction of errors in maintenance and arrangement of rooms

There are no errors in assigning tasks

UWP (Universal Windows Platform) & ANDROID APP


The House Keeping tool is an integrated part of the Hospes and Barresto software solution. The status of the rooms is automatically changed with the activities of the maids and the borrowing of the guests with room accounts from the minibar, all recorded by the maids application, directly from the room

Multi dedicated

Simultaneous use of software tools by managers, reception staff, maids, technical service and material work through desktop computers and mobile devices

Easy to use

Easy management and task creation (selection of maids, room type, priorities, etc.). Tasks can be set in advance for each day. Possibility to communicate and send messages of conception to the mobile application for maids.

Automated and connected

The connection between the software for the material work and the hotel work allows you to always have an accurate record of the status of the rooms, activities related to the cleaning of the rooms and the condition of the stocks of the minibar and the warehouse.

Technical service tasks

A complete overview of damage or other type of room remarks. Records with a picture and recording of the event directly from the mobile application for maids, assignment of technicians for service and a report on the status of the reported defects

Често поставувани прашања

Менаџерот/ите можат да користа мобилан апликација која во реално време ја покажува состојбата на угостителскиот објект од наплати, нарачки  и многу други опции.

Состојбата на сите артикли, влезот и излезот се ажурират во реално врме на работењто со што менаџерите можат во било кое време да имаат реална состојба на количините и да направат попис на робата во ресторанот/бар

Користењето на мобилната апликација за мобилен келнер многукратно ја убрзува услугата, се штеди на времто за враќање на шанк до работниот компјутер и може да се направат повеќе нарачки при една посета на масите со гости.

Секој вработен се регистрират од страна на менаџерите посебно и може да има многу различности во пристапите кон функциите на програмот. Сите тие улоги ги задава одгворното лице кое има пристап во делот на програмот за регистрирање на вработени.

Да можно е. Програмот нема ограничувања на бројот на маркер принтери. Може да се постават онолку мрежни принтери колку места за подготвока на артикли има угостителскиот објект. При нарачка на различни производи оддеднаш секој од артиклите ќе се пешати на соодветна локација (принтер) на  која што се подготвува.

Вработените можат да пристапат со внесување шифра или со посебни без-контактни чартички. Картичката за пристап овозможува тајност на шифрата, а вработените се  заштитени од несакани манипулации.

Изборнико за попустот е активен пред наплата на сметката и може да го гледа само вработенито за кој што е активирана опцијата. Попустот може да се регистрира преку безконтактни клиентски картички или со избирање на име на фирма за која има дефинирано ппопуст.

Со користење на модулот Kitchen System (систем за кујни/шанк), кујната или шанкот можат  да ги гледаат нарачките на екран во зависност од местото на подготвка на нарачаните артикли.

Да , таа опција многу корисна истата е овозможена преку системот за кујна/шанк.

Принтањето на фактури е многу лесно и автоматизирано при затварање на сметката за одреден клиен. Исто така имате можност да соберете повеќе отворени сметки за ист клиент и да направите збирана заедничка фактура.

Секој корисник на софтверот има различен пристап до модулите на софтверот. Менаџеро ги има максималните привилегии во сите модули на софтверот преку кои може да го управува и да ги користи за подесување на сите фази  на работење во угостителскиот објект.

Софтверот пружа одлична можност за резервации на маси. Резервациите можат да бидат изработени локално или директно од гостите со ON-Line апликација.

Софтерот е така креиран  да не пречат моментални интевенции или дополнување во тек на работното време со што овозможува додавање, менување корекции на артикли и мениа.

Софтверот за On-Line нарачки кој клиентите можат сами да го инсталираат е интегриран, синхронизиран  и поврзан со софтверто во ресторанот. Преку апликацијата е можна нарачка од надвор и истата да биде веднаш платена од страна на гостинот преку сигурносниот ситем за наплата со картички.

Наплата е решена детална и со многу функционалности, а една од нив е поделена наплата по тип на плаќање со што се обезедува брзо и едноставно затаварање и наплата на сметка во секоја комбинација по барање на гостите.

Имате дополнителни прашања во врска со софтверот? Ве молиме контактирајте не.

You are welcome to visit us

Working hours

Monday-Friday 8: 00-16: 00 Contact telephone: 070 262 072 and 071 209 021 Phone number for technical support 070 387 386


Drenak Street 5A/10
1000, Skopje,Republic of North Macedonia

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